This is the Healing Tempest build, which in addition to a lot of sustained healing and limited burst healing, provides a lot of boons, a lot of then 10 man. It also offers some damage, albeit nothing to write home about. This build is suitable as a secondary healer on many encounters, or as a primary healer if you have Soulbeasts in your squad who can provide Ranger spirits.
This is your basic rotation, which loops. There are a few things to keep in mind however:
Water Trident won't always be recharged at precisely the same time in your rotations, in this case, fill with Shatterstones until Water Trident is ready.
Use your shouts (except Rebound, keep this for when you think people are about to go downstate) as soon as they are available in between your other skills.
"Feel the Burn" can be used while casting other skills.
While this rotation is meant to loop, in an actual fight it might be better to start in Fire Attunement to stack might quicker, depending on your overall squad composition.
Water Attunement
Water Trident
Tidal Surge
Water Globe
Fire Attunement
Dragon's Tooth
Heat Sync
Overload Fire
Dragon's Tooth
Water Attunement
Water Trident
Earth Attunement
Sand Squall
Dust Storm
Overload Earth
So this build is meant to provide 25 stacks of Might, Fury, Swiftness, Regen, Vigor and Protection, while extending all other types of boons from additional supports in your squad with Sand Squall.
Your coverage for the entire squad will be Might (not 25 stacks), perma Fury and Swiftness. You will also be able to provide a lot of Regen and Protection to your entire squad.
Your coverage for your own subgroup is permanent 25 stacks of Might, Fury, Swiftness, Regen and Protection. You also provide a lot of vigor for your own subgroup.
Soothing Mist is a constant source of healing for your subgroup, this is the reason why we dip into water attunement often, so we can keep this buff up almost permanently on our subgroup.
Every time you give an Aura to an ally, you also heal them, thanks to the trait Elemental Bastion. Use this to your advantage if you know you will have to heal a lot soon, eg a green is about to pop on VG.
Your biggest burst heal that's always available is "Wash The Pain Away", you should save this for burst healing.
While seemingly counter-intuitive, we do not want to use our Overload Water unless absolutely necessary, because our Soothing Mist uptime will suffer heavily, and it will mess up our rotation.
While obviously not a damage oriented build, we can output a decent amount of damage with our regular rotation, but try not to delay swapping back into Water Attunement, we want that Soothing Mist uptime!
Vale Guardian: Both Magnetic Shock and Overload Earth provide immobilize to keep seekers away from your group. Try to keep these skills for when you need to keep the seekers away.
Gorseval: It might be necessary to dip into Overload Water here during the retaliation phase to keep people alive. As the rest of the fight is very low pressure, this shouldn't affect your performance too much. Keep Magnetic Shock and Overload Earth available if you need to immobilize spirits during the split phase.
Sabetha: You can either do stack healer or kiter here, keep in mind that you might need to time some of your skills in between flak shots to actually provide your squad with the benefit, try not to just stay ranged.
Slothasor: If you feel like you do not condi cleanse enough, you can always just swap to Staff and camp Water Attunement, saving Overload Water and Healing Rain for heavy pressure phases.
Matthias: Be very careful with your use of Sand Squall here, as an ill-timed Sand Squall will cause the Magnetic Aura to reflect shards back to Matthias, making everyone have a harder time. This can however also be used as a bu reflect, shall your main reflect player fail one.
Keep Construct: There is no reason why you can't push here. Remember to keep Soothing Mist up during the orb-collection phase to keep people healthy while they collect orbs.
Xera: Nothing special of note here.
Cairn: Do not use Sand Squall unless you know how to time it well to avoid Cairn's Meteor Swarm attack. It will apply Magnetic Aura to your subgroup and can cause the shards to be reflected onto the other subgroup, causing havoc.
Mursaat Overseer: As this fight is very low pressure, feel free to save and use Overload Water when the Jade Soldiers convert and come towards the group. Take either Dispel or Protect as you got little to do during this fight.
Samarog: As your CC capabilities are non-existent, you should really swap to another healer option. If you are not able or are a stubborn person, then keep in mind your immobilization options for Rigom during split and try to heal people getting Brutalized while everyone else CCs.
Deimos: If you are required to black kite here then feel free to swap out "Feel the Burn!" for Arcane Shield and use it to save yourself from Mind Crush. Remember your immbolize options for the Prides.
Soulless Horror: Healing Tempest doesn't contribute a whole lot to this fight, you should consider other options.
Dhuum: You can either kite or do stack here. If you do kite then be careful about your positioning as bombs will down you very easily.
Conjured Amalgamate: You should do shields here as you contribute quite little in general. Just toot your Sand Squall and Heat Sync before going to collect. All your immobilizes are AoE, use this to break the CC bars of the adds that spawn.
Twin Largos: If you are splitting, relog to Druid. If doing portals, it's about the same as any other fight as far as your playing is concerned. You can easily kite here if necessary.
Qadim: Healing Tempest doesn't contribute a whole lot to this fight, you should consider other options.
Adina: Healing Tempest doesn't contribute a whole lot to this fight, you should consider other options.
Sabir: Healing Tempest doesn't contribute a whole lot to this fight, you should consider other options.
Qadim The Peerless: Healing Tempest doesn't contribute a whole lot to this fight, you should consider other options.